Corporate Clients

Offsetmycarbon is your partner for effective climate protection – both locally and globally

Offsetmycarbon offers bespoke solutions for sustainability and climate protection to companies of all sizes. With offsetmycarbon at your side as a partner, your company can become and operate in a more climate friendly and transparent way. The wide range of services – from emissions calculation to the subsequent measures to reduce them, right through to the development of a climate strategy and an offsetting offer – allows you to take responsibility, as well as to actively shape the future. This is how you contribute to sustainable change.

In which areas of your company can you implement climate protection with added value most effectively?

Find out more on our interactive tour.

Calculate emissions

Take stock of your company’s CO₂ emissions. Calculating your carbon footprint is the first step towards successful climate protection, as it helps you identify the most effective ways to reduce your company’s emissions.

Find out more on our interactive tour.

Reduce emissions

Optimise your value chain and improve your company’s carbon footprint. Reduce your CO₂ emissions and contribute towards achieving the Paris climate goals. Improve efficiency and benefit from potential cost savings as well as competitive advantages as a responsible and climate-friendly company.

Find out more on our interactive tour.

Train and engage employees

Get your employees actively involved in your company’s climate protection measures. Utilize your team’s creativity, decisiveness and enthusiasm whilst simultaneously consolidating your status as a modern, attractive company.

Find out more on our interactive tour.

Offset emissions

Offset your CO₂ emissions with offsetmycarbon carbon offset projects. By offsetting emissions, you not only compensate for unavoidable emissions, but also bring your company one step closer to climate neutrality. You can also voluntarily familiarise yourself with emerging instruments of the future such as internal carbon pricing or a possible carbon offsetting obligation.

Find out more on our interactive tour.

Communicate and engage

Showcase your carbon offsetting efforts and your successes. This way, you can position yourself credibly and transparently as a responsible and progressive company. Benefit from increased brand awareness and recognition and motivate other companies and individuals to take action on climate change. By committing to educational projects, you are also laying the foundation for a climate conscious future.

Find out more on our interactive tour.


Offsetmycarbon offers companies regardless of their field of activity individual solutions for sustainability and climate protection. Thanks to years of experience and partnerships, offsetmycarbon has created specifically adapted carbon offset offers for some focus industries.

Aviation and
aviation industry

Cosmetics and

Energy and
fuel supply

Our partners


Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us:

Foundation offsetmycarbon, 044 500 43 50,