Support a tangible carbon offset project!

Choose your own project, thereby directly supporting small holders, families and communities:

Purchase credits for the renaturation of Swiss upland moorland!


Enable the reforestation of a piece of woodland in Nicaragua!


Support a family in India with a biogas digester!


Your donation for the climate

Support our climate protection projects from Offsetmycarbon ! Offsetmycarbon is committed to sustainable climate protection worldwide. Through your donation, you can finance high-quality climate protection projects of Offsetmycarbon.  All Offsetmycarbon protection projects contribute to sustainable development in the corresponding region. This means that it is not only the climate that benefits; the local population does as well.

Payment information

We accept all customary payment methods (credit/debit card).


Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us:

Foundation offsetmycarbon, 044 500 43 50,