Biogas Plants Increase Health of 7500 Families in Nepal

Project type: Biogas

Project location: Terai Arc region, Nepal

Project status: Completed, exclusive Annual CO₂ reduction: 21,088 t

In partnership with Coop, WWF Nepal is constructing 7,500 biogas plants in rural Nepal, minimizing the unsustainable consumption of firewood for cooking. This reduces CO₂ emissions and deforestation.

The Nepalese region Terai Arc includes several areas with animal and plant species worthy of protection. In order to protect the local ecosystems, 7,500 small biogas plants are being constructed and installed for farmers and their families. The biogas plants reduce the demand for non-sustainable firewood and thus diminish CO₂ emissions as a consequence of deforestation.

300 Bengal tigers live in the area, where the project has created more than 1,500 permanent jobs. One of the highest Bengal tiger densities in the world.

The dume-shaped plants were developed in Nepal and deliver sufficient cooking energy for a family with at least two cows or buffaloes. The cattle manure is mixed with water and added to the plant. The anaerobic decomposition of the organic substance leads to the development of biogas, which is routed via pipe connections into the kitchen and used for cooking.

I do not regret that we have spent so much money on the plant when I see the advantages for our family.

Rabina Kumal, local farmer and owner of a biogas plant since 2010

The project in the southwest of Nepal offers several advantages to the local population: The time-consuming search for firewood is no longer necessary, hundreds of jobs are created during the planning, construction and maintenance of the plant, and the latrines that are connected to the biogas plants are improved. Moreover, in contrast to firewood, the use of biogas for cooking causes no health-damaging smoke. The digestate from the biogas plants can be used as a biological fertilizer, which improves crop yields.

The project is financed by Coop, among others, and implemented by experienced Nepalese organisations. A micro-financial system ensures that, in the end, the plants can be transferred to the farmers.


Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us:
Foundation offsetmycarbon, 044 500 43 50,

This project contributes to 2 SDGs:

Around 450 t of CO₂ will be saved annually.

These SDGs have been approved by myclimate:

Around 2 400 MWh of renewable heat will be generated annually.

Purchase credits


Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us:

Foundation offsetmycarbon, 044 500 43 50,